White Oak Maryland MVA Driving Test Route 1

     This is the route for the for the White Oak Maryland drivers test. This route is current as of 2017. Let me know in the comments if you or a friend have done a different one. Thanks for watching and good luck!

Beltsville Maryland MVA Driving Test Route 1

     This is the route for the for the Beltsville Maryland drivers test. This route is current as of 2017. Let me know in the comments if you or a friend have done a different one. Thanks for watching and good luck!

Drivers Test Route | Largo MD Animation

     This is the first route animation for the Largo Maryland Driving test. This animation shows the primary route and the alternate reverse route. Let me know if this helps, thank you all for your feedback and good luck!

Exit MVA
Turn Right - Central Ave
Turn Right - Campus Way
Turn Left - Largo Rd
Turn Right - PG CC
Follow Rd - Right at Bend
Turn Right - Campus Way
Turn Left - Largo Rd
Veer Right - Old Largo Rd
Enter MVA

Drivers Test Route | Annapolis MD Animation

     This is the first route animation for the Annapolis Maryland Driving test. This animation shows the primary route and the alternate reverse route. Let me know if this helps, thank you all for your feedback and good luck!

From MVA turn left onto Harry S. Truman Pkwy
Drive straight through the intersection
Follow road then take a left on Admiral Cochrane Dr
Then take a left onto Riva Rd
Take a right back onto Harry S. Truman Pkwy
Return to the MVA

How to Do a Two Point Turn | Maryland MVA

     This video shows the basic requirements needed to do a two point turn on the drivers test. It also includes two different views from inside the cabin. Check out my other videos for drivers test routes. Thanks for watching and good luck!

The Best and Worst Places to Take the Drivers Test In Maryland

Ever wondered which Maryland MVA you are most likely to pass at? This video shows some statistics comparing the 18 different MVA branches in Maryland. The data was sourced from the following link:

I hope this helps and good luck on the test.

Drivers Test Route | Gaithersburg MD Animation 2

    This is the second route animation for the Gaithersburg Maryland Driving test. This animation shows the primary route and the alternate reverse route. Let me know if this helps, thank you all for your feedback and good luck!